Actresses, Actors, Artists, Directors and Covid-Quarantine.

Roberta Gulotta at the Emirates Art Festival 2020.

New episodes of the beloved Montalbano.

With Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo comes "Odio L'Estate".

Presented "Villa with Guests" to be released on January 30, 2020.

Great Christmas Concert at San Giacomo in Via della Lungara.

A Beautiful 2019 ends between Exhibitions and Awards.

A century of brotherhood in sport conference.

On display at the Fijlkam Olympic Center Roberta Gulotta and Leonardo's Machines.

"They are just Ghosts", the first Italian horror comedy.

Virna Lisi forever. Fifth edition of the Virna Lisi Award.

Conviviality at breakfast with the well-known Director.

A Surprise Visit to the Palazzo della Cancelleria.

Two major artistic events inaugurated. "Music: Forms and Colors" and "Contemporary Renaissance".

Place a Sunday of Art, Culture, Cinema and Music on a Roman terrace.

At the ceremony of the national premiere of the film "Il Giovane Pertini. Fighter for Freedom".

From art exhibitions to the sacred monsters of cinema.

Grand Finale of "Ostia International Film Festival".

Contact Grenze to Macro, with the Fijlkam.

Awarded the "Venice Prize - Venice Prize 2019".

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