Great Event at Fijlkam for the Exhibition on Sport "Olympics"
Rain of prizes, the "Olympics" Sports Exhibition inaugurated at Fijlkam
Fijlkam "Olympics" exhibition opens
"Spoleto Art Festival" is already looking to 2017
"Rome Film Festival" Edition number 11 - it's Countdown.
La carica dei 101 rende Grande lo "Spoleto Art Festival"
Spoleto "Art in the City 2016".
Al Westin Excelsior un Parterre di Cultura, ospiti dell' Ambasciata del Qatar, per li Candidato alla Direzione Generale dell'UNESCO. 
Mostra a Roma - "Piacere Ettore Scola" .
"PHOTOFESTIVAL - Attraverso le Pieghe del Tempo" da dieci e lode . 
Photofestival - "Creativity Award" to Roberta Gulotta.
Spoleto Art Festival (Art in the City) is twinned with the Photofestival.
"Through the folds of Time" - Event in Anzio on 31 August 2016.
Roberta Gulotta who loves cinema.
The 73rd Venice International Film Festival.
Summer meeting between Cinema, Theater, Culture, Art and Journalism.
Spoleto Art Festival, consolida il successo dell'evento 2016.
Significativo riconoscimento Internazionale.
Academics and Artists from all over the World for the "International Spoleto Art Festival 2016 Award".
Award for the Spoleto Art Festival 2016 International Award.
Ancora una volta Spoleto la "Culla dell'Arte" .
Spoleto Meeting Art - Due Mondi 2016.
The unpublished work dedicated to CINEMA.
Film Festival Locarno 69th edition.
70 years of Nastri d'Argento.
Nominations for the Nastri d'Argento 2016.